
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Movie Proposals - Answers!

Ha!  This was harder than I thought I guess!

Katie responded with the most correct answers.  (She got most of the historical movies correct!)

1.) The Sound of Music
2.) While You Were Sleeping
3.) Anne of Avonlea
4.) Fiddler on the Roof
5.) Sense and Sensibility
6.) Runaway Bride
7.) North and South
8.) Pride and Prejudice
9.) Bleak House - Esther and Alan Woodcourt (I bet you remember now, Katie!)
10.)  Emma (Gwyneth Paltrow version which is my ultimate favorite!)

I enjoyed reminiscing about those romantic (and revolting) proposals!  I actually think Morgan Harris' proposal is very sweet in AoA, but I'm glad she didn't say "Yes!"  Hodel and Perchik's is funny, as is Mr. Collins.' 



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