
Monday, October 20, 2008

Wicked Witch of the East

Here I am with my man Link. He's ready for fall!
Today's outfit is a little boring.... tan corduroy skirt from the Gap, white t shirt from the Gap, burgundy sweater from Ann Taylor Loft. The shoes are from Macy's.

Now the socks I refer to as my "Wicked Witch of the East Socks.

Can't you picture her feet rolling up under the house?? These aren't ruby slippers, but I like them anyway (too much... I'm sure you'll see them again this week!).

Sing with me now!
**The house began to pitch
The kitchen took a slitch.

It landed on the Wicked Witch in the middle of a ditch
WHICH was not a healthy SITCH-
Uation for
The Wicked Witch**


  1. Love those socks! I have some just like them, and I feel like the wicked witch in them, too. Even more so because I'm a mom now, and when I was a little girl I called my mom a wicked old witch. I also watched The Wizard of Oz every day, and I had nightmares about the lion. So anyway, back to the point, those socks are the best!

  2. Too cute--if you read my tagging thing you'll see that I have a sock fettish-those look awfully cute!!! Check out the Sisterhood of the Blogging Stampers--they have really promoted your new blog--successful already I see.

  3. There's nothing boring about your outfit, Keri. In fact, I think it's fabulous.

    I also like your socks. I'll have to find some for me.

  4. Not boring, at all! Especially with such a handsome gentleman *ahem* Those socks are just great!

    Yours in Christ,

  5. Your very own knight in shining armour. . . and the socks are fun, too. I'm thinking halloween, as my son's costume arrived from his Grandma Cookie--a very cute penguin. Lots of fun coming our way.

  6. I love your knight. I must see if I can find one. I'm afraid my children might actually try to get into it if it was in my house. Love your socks!

    I know I've seen this in a catalog somewhere - you could make your own doorstopper if you had a second pair of socks and ruby red slippers - that way it would look like the legs are coming out from under a door.

  7. Your WIFD outfits are great!

    I too have socks that get referred to as "witch" socks around here, except that mine are purple and red. :)

    aka jennyven from S&S



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