
Friday, June 10, 2011

Pattern Winner and Five Minute Friday

Thanks for all your kind comments on the dress and pattern giveaway!  It's Friday and it's nap time, so here's the winner:

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2011-06-10 16:52:14 UTC

Mary said,  "Amelia looks adorable and so does the dress!! Thanks for the chance to win! MK"

This seems to happen in many of my giveaways.  Someone I know in real life wins!  Mary has lots of little granddaughters that I'm sure love Grammy-made dresses! 

Also -
I came across this post from a great blog, All that is Good.

I'm going to emulate Trina's post with one of my own.  (Emulate sounds much nicer than copy, doesn't it? :D )

  • 1 Year ago:  I was sadly nearing the end of a wonderful nanny job for a wonderful family, but excitedly looking forward to having my own baby girl soon!

  • 2 Years ago:  I had just finished my final year teaching fourth grade and we were deciding whether or not to get a puppy.  Oh did we ever!

  • 4 Years ago:  The crazy final preparations for our wedding were going on.  Our reception site had to be changed a few weeks before the wedding, but that's another post for another day!
  • 5 Years ago:  Several friends and I went to a Red Sox game together.  For one, it was her birthday (and we are going to celebrate her birthday tomorrow with a baseball game too!), for one it was his first Red Sox game, and another one would be my future husband. :D  I also got a sunburn that day because I forgot sunscreen.  If you know me, I'm a sunscreen nazi.  When it finally turned from burn to tan, you could still see the tan lines for over a year.  It's still referred to as the June 11th tan. 

  • 10 Years ago:  I was reveling in the end of crazy spring semester and getting ready to spend the summer blowing bubbles, drawing with sidewalk chalk, and pouring juice for the children I was babysitting.

  • 20 Years ago: Finishing up sixth grade, graduating from my elementary school and DREADING being sent to Junior High. 

  • 30 Years ago:  I was 11 months old! 
The original idea is at this blog:


  1. I love the look back - thanks for sharing the little glimpses!

  2. Awesome idea. I posted my first 5 minute Friday today over on my blog :) Thanks!

  3. Red Sox...yes. In Newton, MA through the end of June. ;)

  4. Aww. Good times. Thanks for saying yes!



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