
Sunday, May 2, 2010

It's a .....

First of all, we are so grateful to God that our baby seems to have all perfect little working parts.  We got to see the wiggles and the kicks and the four chambers of the heart. It was such a fascinating, relieving, and moving experience.
I love the blowing a kiss one!
After, we celebrated by buying our baby its first outfit.  We hadn't bought anything up to this point.  We were waiting until we learned the gender.
So we stopped at the baby gap........

And bought.....

A dress!  For our little GIRL! 
I was totally surprised - I really thought it was a boy!  The pictures were pretty clear though and the ultrasound tech was quite certain! 

She has a name, but that will be a birthday surprise!! 

Let the sewing commence!


  1. Congratulations! She's beautiful (I LOVE profile shots)! I can hardly wait to see her in your arms, and to find out her name!

  2. YAY!!!! I was SO hoping it would be a girl! She's adorable! ♥

  3. Congrats! I'm excited to see what you sew.

  4. Congratulations! I can really imagine you with a little girl :-)

  5. Congratulations! Looking forward to your projects (and getting some inspiration--I"m 3months along, and do/did Irish dancing too!)

  6. Congratulations!!!! Girls are SO MUCH FUN!!! :) I just bought Evie that dress the other day!!

  7. When my mother had me, my father said, "Now you can sew." Those were the days when daddies were not allowed in the delivery room. Later he would sneak me into the hospital to peak at my brother in the nursery window--only to have the nurse scold him and throw us out of the hospital. Isn't that just the sweetest thing? Congratulations on your healthy baby. Happy sewing:)

  8. Congratulations! Happy sewing :)

  9. Getting caught up a bit here and just wanted to say congratulations! Also, I really enjoyed reading your tributes to your mom and grandma's....very cool! :)



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