
Friday, March 5, 2010

You All Were Right!

You smarties!  Thank you for all the congratulations!

Yes, we are having our first baby this September!  We are very excited!  We will find out the gender in about eight weeks, but we'll probably keep the name to ourselves (until he/she is born, of course!).  My husband has been busy reading "instruction manuals" as he calls them (a.k.a. parenting books).  We'd appreciate your prayers, if you would so oblige, for a healthy pregnancy and baby!  I'm sure this baby will be quirky, I wonder if it will be quaint as well!  ;)

Here is what my mom was looking at in the first picture that clued her in!
We got Levi to help a little bit! 

I've got some projects to add soon and I'm thinking about my next giveaway... hmmmm!


  1. Congratulations! Being a mom is the best!!!

  2. Congratulations again and I will definitely be praying for a happy and healthy 9 months (well less than that now).

  3. May the Lord bless you and your baby Kerri, and Hubby too!

    Funny about the way you had your Levi give the clue to your Mom. My Son and D-i-l did the same to clue me about my second GranSon. They had my older Grandson come out with a shirt that said 'Big Brother'! I remember the moment well!!

  4. YES!

    I can't tell you how happy I am for you. :) I've followed your blog for about three years (I think), and I've been waiting forever for this news. :D

    Hey, September is my birth month...if you have a girl, I think Victoria is a beautiful name. ;)

    Peace and joy,

  5. I'm sure Levi will be a fabulous big brother.Has he been informed that in a few months he'll be bumped out of
    "the most important child in the family" spot? :)

    ps I'm rooting for a girl.But boys are cute too! ;)

  6. Congratulations! That is wonderful news. Enjoy every day of your pregnancy. Read, rest and sew as much as you can now!



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