Friday, December 9, 2011

Streamer Ruffle Christmas Trees

Can you take one more streamer ruffle idea???  How about some streamer ruffle Christmas trees?
To see the ruffled gift wrap or to see how to make ruffled streamers, go to this post:  Ruffled Streamers.

 I started with some green and white ruffled streamers, styrofoam trees, and some pins.  It took me about 8-9 feet of ruffled streamer to go over the large tree.

To do the green and white one, you should place the streamer at the bottom of the tree with the white streamer overlap on top and the white part facing up.
Pin in place to secure, then start wrapping!  Make sure you go over the bottom of the tree so that you cover the Styrofoam.  When you get to the top of the tree, form the top into a point and secure with another pin.  Done!!!
The green one is just one streamer gathered at one edge and wrapped around.  It gave it a lot more volume, so that's another technique you can try!

Of course, I had to make a snow scene to display the trees.  I decided to get out my Memere's (great grandmother) antique Christmas figures.
I displayed these every year as a child, but I'm afraid they have lead paint, so I won't put them out anymore.  They came out for a little shoot style though!
I actually think the pine cone elves would have been better, but I gave them all away!  Oh well!

A little yellow streamer star for the top!

Added to:Link Party


  1. You are just so creative. Thanks for sharing.

  2. SO cute! I love these trees. Must remember for next year.

  3. These trees are so whimsical and fun. I need these ruffled streamers. Endless possibilities.

  4. This is such a cute idea...I especially like the white one!

  5. Very CUTE!!! Stopping by to say thanks for linking this up at my create and inspire partay!! ;)

    I'm featuring you with this project later tonight..Hope you can join us tomorrow for another awesome party!

