Monday, November 8, 2010


Miss Amelia Jane!

I'm sorry I have been so silent.  I went on unexpected blogging maternity leave trying to get used to this complicated little girl.  I'll be adding my birth story soon.  She's six weeks right now.  I am loving being a mommy, but it is not without its trials!  We thank God for such an amazing blessing!

Here's one with her eyes open!
I hope many more blog posts are to come!


  1. Congratulations on a beautiful little girl and on becoming a mommy!

  2. She is beautiful! Congrats. :) By the way, I love her name!


  3. Congratulations! Amelia is beautiful!

  4. Congrats!! She is wonderful looking!! Enjoy!

  5. I've been waiting and waiting for a picture of her!! She's SOO gorgeous! Can I come babysit? ;)I love her name too. When you told me it started with an A, Amelia was the only A name I could think of that seemed perfect for you.

    ps. I was in Joann's today so naturally I was keeping my eyes open just incase we happened to be there at the same time!

  6. Keri, what a precious little darling, and look at those fists! Great photography creativity. Looking forward to your birth story - I always find them fascinating! I'm home recuperating from surgery so have been looking for some good movies to watch - I'm going to check out Bleak House.

  7. She's beautiful! Congratulations!

  8. Such a beautiful wee one she is :-)

  9. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!! She's beautiful! God bless your family!


  10. She's so precious, Keri! I'm so glad the Lord has blessed you with such a sweet little lady, and I hope that some of the challenges of new parenthood will be smoothed away soon!

    What a little darling :-)


  11. She is beautiful, and what a lovely name! I hope you're getting into the swing of things with her now. I know it took me a while to somewhat figure things out with my first baby.

  12. Congratulations! She is beautiful and has a beautiful name!

  13. Oh my goodness, she is BEAUTIFUL! And what a quaint and quirky name she has! I love it. :)

    Take time to rest and enjoy your little sweetie. Congratulations to you! :)

    God bless.

  14. I just have to stop again and say how positively adorable she is! And such a darling name!!! Congratulations Keri!

  15. Congratulations Keri! She is beautiful!

  16. Aww Keri! She is adorable! I figured it was about time we'd get to meet your precious little girl. I think she looks just like her daddy! I too love her name!

  17. She's adorable. Congratulations Keri!

  18. Oh, she's so beautiful!!! Congratulataions. *grin*

  19. I couldn't leave your blog without saying how beautiful your new daughter is! Congrats!
